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Who is the Ultimate Anime Character


Goku, Luffy and Naruto, these three characters are arguably the greatest and well known character in the manga/anime world. Each comes with their own group of powerfull allies and each with even more powerful enimes. But theres one question. Whos the greatest? Lets start with Goku..

Goku, originally appearing on western tv in the early 90's with Dragonball Z but we must start with a time before that. The time of Dragonball. In Dragonball, Goku appears as a small child with a mysterious tail and even stranger superhuman strengh. After meeting a scientist named Bulma, Goku learns of the powerfull Dragonballs and sets out with Bulma to find all 7. Along the way, he meets the turtle hermet Master Roshi who teaches him the art of martial law and how to control "Ki", a technique that requires the user to build up energy before releasing it in a unique way. Almost immediatly Goku shows amazing strength by using his masters signature move the "kamehameha" which took Roshi yeears to perfect. After more training, Goku meets a young Krillin of which he trains with to be ready for the World Martial Arts Tournament, a contest which determinds the greatest fighter in the world. During this tournament, Goku gets to the final and is put up against his master, hiding under the alias "Jackie Chun". Goku spirals out of control due to his abilities to change into a giant ape when the full moons appears but is soon tamed by Chun and loses the tournament. Goku then goes off to face an organisation called the Red Ribbon Army and single handedly defeats the whole Army before returning to face Tien Shinhan, a powerful foe under the guidence of Master Shen, the ar ch rival of Master Roshi. After a long battle Goku comes up short after

landing on the floor before

Tien giving Tien the title. However, after a change of heart from Tien, all seems well, until Goku stumbles upon a dead Krillin. Goku is informed by Roshi that the murderer is a man called King Picollo who once tried to take over the world. Goku goes off to find him, but gets quickly defeated by one of Picollo's spawn. Goku has to go to Korin, a mysterious Cat at the top of a gigantic tower to recieve training and anointment that will help him. After tracking down Picollo, Goku goes through a tough battle and ultimatly defeats the giant warlord. In his dying breath Picollo produces a clone of himself through an egg and sends it away. Goku, wanting to improve even more, goes to Kami, Picollo's good half and begins training under the god like superior.

(Left to Right) Naruto, Luffy and Goku

Goku faces off against Picollo Jr

Goku finishes off King Picollo

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